Transform your Game. Start today.
Licia Brooks
I’m a California-native psychologist who believes in the power of pragmatic and straightforward personal change to transform individual career and team outcomes. Clinical psychologist and trained psychoanalyst with 20 years experience in executive performance coaching at Grupo Médico Lomas.
The Workplace has Changed
Navigating and succeeding in today's hyper-competitive workplace isn't simple, plus no one ever trained us to do it well. Handling the 24/7 demand of decisions making on the strict expectation of immediate email or chat response is the new profound pressure of our era.
We're expected to deliver bottom line results in the toughest economic and regulatory environments while fostering amazing teams, mentoring our junior colleagues and offering flawless leadership 24/7. Whether you work at a large enterprise, a boutique financial firm, the legal world or your Family Office, the meaning of success is radically different than it was even ten years ago. And this without considering the headwinds generated by unrealistic expectations, ruthless internal competition, new gender and social issues, and balancing the demands of your own personal life with those of your work mission.
Today, peak performance at a trading desk or a company's C-Suite takes the kind of focus, energy, patience, and self-awareness that can only come from executive performance coaching backed by clinical psychology.
There are Answers
My psychology practice oriented to executive performance can help you navigate the workplace, develop the kind of personal awareness required of today's leaders, and grow the balanced focus that leads to peak performance.
My approach is to see clients once or twice a week in my Lomas office to explore current issues as well as how their psychological make-up led them to their present position. I look for short-term results while working to cement a long term foundation of success for each client.
Make a Difference Today
I have worked for over twenty years with some of Mexico's most important business leaders, bankers, entrepreneurs, and financial and legal professionals out of my office at the Grupo Medico Lomas in Lomas de Vireyes.
Don’t let workplace conflict, anger issues, lack of focus or a failing drive or motivation get too far. Be the guardian of your success and reach out for help. There is much you can do to change and dramatically improve your career. Call me and let's talk.
"When nothing is sure, everything is possible." - Margaret Drabble

I have a Clinical Psychology degree from the Universidad de Las Americas and a six-year Masters Degree in Psychoanalysis from the Sociedad Psicoanalítica de México.
My twenty years' practice in Mexico City has encompassed individual therapy, couple's therapy and executive performance coaching. While originally trained as a psychoanalyst, further training in New York with Dr. Terence Real has evolved my therapeutic approach into a more pragmatic, results-oriented practice firmly rooted in the foundations of clinical psychology.
My executive performance clients appreciate my formal training, my understanding of interpersonal dynamics in all kinds of contexts, and my commitment to fostering the success of their careers.
I'm also a contributor to HuffPost Mexico, where I write about psychology, executive performance and popular culture.
I live in Polanco with my family and summer with my kids in my hometown of Bishop, California.
Over twenty years I've worked with some of Mexico's most successful business leaders, bankers, entrepreneurs, and financial and legal professionals at my office at Grupo Médico Lomas in Lomas de Vireyes.
I’ve seen US and Canada-based clients via Facetime/Skype for over a decade. I treat my Facetime sessions the same way I do face-to-face sessions because we’ve achieved the same kind of breakthroughs in both kinds of settings. The seamlessness of connectivity via smart-phones and computers at this point allow for great voice and image quality, further enhancing the value of the remote experience.
I process payments via PayPal and charge the standard rates of my Mexico City practice.
I charge hourly fees for 45 minute sessions. I accept remote patients via Facetime-Skype at the standard rates of my Mexico City practice.
Mtra. Licia Brooks
Grupo Médico Lomas, Teapa #4, Lomas de Vireyes, Mexico City, Mexico. +52 1 55-5540-7205.
Call or write me directly at +52 1 55-5456-7963 or